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Sumas Book Group

Sumas Book Group

Join our revamped, traditional book group with a twist! 

Meets the 3rd Saturday of the month, alternating between discussing the book club pick one month and members' recent favorites alternating months.

On April 20, we will discuss The Heartbeat of Trees: Embracing Our Ancient Bond with Forests and Nature by Peter Wohleben. This is available as a book, eAudiobook and eBook in our catalog. If you need help securing a copy, just ask at the library. 

Book description:

In an era of cell phone addiction and ever-expanding cities, many of us fear we've lost our connection to nature--but Peter Wohlleben is convinced that age-old ties linking humans to the forest remain alive and intact. Whether we observe it or not, our blood pressure stabilizes near trees, the color green calms us, and the forest sharpens our senses. Drawing on new scientific discoveries, The Heartbeat of Trees reveals the profound interactions humans can have with nature, exploring the language of the forest, the consciousness of plants, and the eroding boundary between flora and fauna. Wohlleben shares how to see, feel, smell, hear, and even taste your journey into the woods. Above all, he reveals a wondrous cosmos where humans are a part of nature, and where conservation is not just about saving trees--it's about saving ourselves, too.

Saturday, Apr 20 2024
10:00am - 11:00am
Time Zone:
Pacific Time - US & Canada (change)
  Book Group  

Request Accommodations

We strive to host inclusive, accessible events that enable all individuals to engage and participate fully. To request an accommodation or for inquiries about accessibility, please contact our ADA Compliance Officer at least 72 hours in advance so that we may make any needed accommodations. Phone 360-305-3603, or email ADA@wcls.org.

Upcoming Events

Time Zone: Pacific Time - US & Canada (change)

10:00am - 6:00pm, Deming.
10:30am - 11:00am, Everson.
10:30am - 11:00am, Ferndale Meeting Room, Ferndale.
10:30am - 11:00am, Lynden Meeting Room, Lynden.